In reality it is a blatant marketing exercise. These images show as much, with the Santander branding all over them. Santander have wittingly caused a stir amongst F1 journalists, fans and twitterati that has now spread to the non-F1 community. After all the idea of a London Grand Prix is pretty exciting. The route takes in such iconic landmarks as Buckingham Palace, The Mall, Piccadilly and Embankment. But if you were to create a new circuit through the streets of London then why not go straight for the big boys. In comparison Stratford seems pretty dull. A video of the circuit hosted by Lewis, Jenson and Speedmonkey's favourite commentary team, Crofty & Martin Brundle, is available on our Facebook page here.

Well actually yes we can and we've already seen several in the past, most famously in 1983 at Donington. In recent years Spain has hosted two races and before that it was Germany. So it could happen.
But aside from the logistic issues of shutting down most of central London for 3 days a year, removing all the street furniture and the sheer noise it will generate what'll probably stop this from happening is the price. It will cost a minimum of £35 million and someone's got to pay. Boris would love to host the event, as he said today, but he doesn't have a spare £35 million in his budget. In today's financial climate no-one does so, sadly, it probably isn't going to happen.